domingo, 15 de mayo de 2016

The Magic Of Shamanic Instruments

The Magic Of Shamanic Instruments To Connect Us With The Elements

by Edith Boyer-Telmer

Dear Friends,
the other day I shared an article called 6 spirit guides from the animal kingdom that enjoy mating for life, with inside about shamanic animals that many people share as their personal guiding spirits. Another thing that is gaining more and more on popularity in the human collective, is the use of shamanic instruments in rituals, for meditation, in healing circles and just for fun. All this instruments are loving helper and will support everybody who desires so, and when we know a bit more about the traditional use, the effect f our work might increase as well! So here some insides how shamans use their instruments!

The key to understanding a shaman's world is to acknowledge, that a shamanic being is always aware of the universe as the source of all, and made of vibrating energy. That every being is a part of this universe, coming from the same constantly transforming existence, that it is simply singled out as ever flowing, rhythmically changing being. By now also quantum physics has proved, that everything in the universe, from the smallest subatomic particle to the largest star, has an inherent vibrational pattern. The own personal soul song, as many African tribes would call it. And because this entire universe is created through vibration, it also can be influenced, transformed, changed and healed through the vibrations of intentional music. So when we seek to align our physical bodies and energetic bodies with the momentary frequency downloads available, than it can help to tap into the healing pattern of shamanic sounds.

"There is nothing in the world that does not speak to us. Everything and everybody reveals their own nature, character, and secrets continuously. The more we open up our inner sense, the more we can understand the voice of everything."
Hazrat Inayat Khan

Probably the most important instrument of the shaman is the drum. The drum symbolizes the beating of the heart, the life force of man and the earth, as the earth also is a living organism. The beating of the drum brings forward the rhythm of the galloping horse, that is carrying the shaman to the underworld or the world of the spirit realms. That is the reason why in many traditions, the drum is also known as 'the shamans horse'.
The drums are in the healing of the collective often used for initiations; initiations into a new knowledge, initiations to enable the participant to do engage in an act of courage, and initiations to come into contact with one's own personal highest potential. For students of shamanism, the initiation can also be of the different dimensions, one of entering a parallel universe, or to evoke the seeing of the personal soul Mandala. In essence shamanic drumming is the conscious creation of a sound pattern, for the purpose of inducing a state of higher frequency, so we can connect with the spiritual dimensions of our shared reality. The drum with her deep, profound vibrations, creates for us mainly the connection to the element earth and the healing of the physical body.

The use of singing bowls dates back in shamanic traditions of Tibet approximately 3000 years ago. They were used for rituals, meditation and initiations, as well as for healing. They are amazing helper, because they create multiple harmonic tones at the same time, due to the many metals that are used in their production. They are made from seven different metals.

They contain gold for the sun, silver for the Moon, mercury for Mercury, copper for Venus, iron for Mars, tin for Jupiter, and lead for Saturn. Each of this metals has seven sound pattern or vibrations. Therefore each singing bowl contains 49 different sounds. The sound of a singing bowls is designed to clear and open the mind to the emotional body, allowing us to be open to shifts and changes in frequency and feelings. Tibetans used their singing bowls also to bridge the material and the non-material world. The bowls becomes a transmitter for the translations of spirit into matter and matter back into spirit. The element they represent is the water.

The bells are in many shamanic traditions used since the iron age. They represent the air element and our connection to the realm of the spirits. Some Shamans use little bells on their clothing, as with the sound of bells spirits are called, or scared away. They also represent the aspects of the female solar divine qualities, our deeper wisdom, the ability to show compassion for all beings and develop unconditional love.
Another version to evoke the air, is the use of a flute. Mostly involved in shamanic work are three kinds of flutes, which represent three different states of mind. The shepherd's flute, which affects the first and second chakra, the pan flute used to make the connection between the earth and heavens above, and the crystal or jade flute. This flutes are used to invite the angelic realms and the highest spheres of the spirit world. That is why people often when they get in touch with the highest spheres of vibration, hear angels singing and the sounds of divine trumpets.

In the shamanic traditions most spread instrument representing the element of fire, is the gourd rattle, which is known as the sound of creation. Different creation stories tell us of the first ton, a shimmering sound, which went out in all dimensions, that is the sound of the rattle in shamanic sound work. The seeds of the gourd rattle embody the voice of the big spirit, the guidance of the divine plan for the physical body.

Also still in use to evoke the element fire is the simple and ancient sound of the Ratchet. The sound base for the inner fire of alchemy, burning in every being on the planet. The rattles most important job in a healing or initiation ritual, is to sustain the order of existence. Which means, that the inner fire of alchemy is burning for the translation of the divine blueprint for life on planet earth.

Dear Ones, I hope this tips and insides have raised your interest in shamanic sound work and vibration as the essence of creation in general. In case you have a shamanic instrument make sure you are aware of the impacts it brings, in case you are using it on others, so you can help them to the best of your awareness. Hope you have lots of fun letting the magic of your shamanic soul, reflected in your instrument unfold, and allow it to teach you about the ancient knowledge of the universal highways of sound and light. Sing, dance and vibrate yourself into the Golden Age of Aquarius!!
Healing Sounds and Blessing Vibrations!

Copied from: Original post

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