sábado, 16 de enero de 2016

Is God omnipotent?

Nicole Szwed

Where the magic grows inside you

The fire of self-discovery

Things your heart knows

Giving and receiving love

Humor gráfico: You'll get fat

Humor gráfico: Weird relative

Humor gráfico: Clase de matemáticas

Lección de matemáticas para la clase de humanística.

- Pero profesor, ayer usted dijo que x valía 5!!

viernes, 15 de enero de 2016

A barber gives haircuts to the homeless

Michelle Ilicic


Find peace and happiness within yourself

Things learned in the darkness

Milagros inexplicables

Humor gráfico: Shamanic meaning

Humor gráfico: A typical "Women in Tech" panel

Humor gráfico: Are we there yet?

jueves, 14 de enero de 2016

Humor gráfico: Two nobody's meeting

Lutricia Bock

Go beyond survival instinct

The kingdom of heaven is within you

We are in each other's life for a reason

Play with your inner demons...

Humor gráfico: What dog?

Humor gráfico: Falling backwards

Humor gráfico: They're back!

miércoles, 13 de enero de 2016

Mooji: The polar star

"Everything is moving, (in this universe), but there is one thing that is not moving, and that is this 'polar star'! YOU have to be this 'polar star'!" Sri Mooji-ji

Fabienne-Marleen Von Loesch

Waiting to be known

From a different perspective

The secret of attraction

Loving the Earth

Humor gráfico: Hansel y Gretel

Humor gráfico: Update your Facebook status

Humor gráfico: Examen de matemáticas