martes, 16 de enero de 2018

Humor gráfico: Girls and boys

(Las chicas) - Yo quiero un novio que mida 1 metro 80, que haga deportes y que tenga dinero.
(Los chicos) - Yo quiero una novia que tenga grandes pechos y una linda cola.
(Las chicas) - ¡Ustedes sólo piensan en pechos y colas! ¡Todos los chicos son iguales! ¡No piensan en los sentimientos!

(The girls) - I want a boyfriend 1 meter 80 tall, who does sports and has money.
(The boys) - I want a girlfriend with big breasts and a nice ass.
(The girls) - You guys only think about breasts and asses! All the boys are the same! They do not think about feelings!

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