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sábado, 11 de abril de 2015

Poema: Los altares

Luego del apocalipsis
el androide recorre las ruinas
de los altares druidas
el frío invernal
el frío de su alma
su mente hecha de circuitos
quiere entender los símbolos
pero eso no importa ya
él lo intentará una y otra vez
pero eso no importa ya

jueves, 9 de abril de 2015

Chistes varios 1

Aquí incluyo algunos chistes que obtuve de varias fuentes . Todos están en su idioma original.

(El siguiente chiste fue publicado en Internet luego de la caída del Muro de Berlín).

An East Berliner going to a bar parks his bike next to the wall.
He comes back. There's no bicycle... and no wall!
Dos globitos que viajan por el desierto van rebotando alegremente y el globito verde le dice al blanco, "Ten mucho cuidado con el cactus, no te vayas a reventar". A lo que el blanco responde, "¿Pero,  Cuál cactusssssssssssssss?
What's the best thing about having Pagan friends?

They worship the ground you walk on.
One day Tarzan comes home to the treehouse and says "Jane.. give me a double Matini". Jane says "What is wrong with you -- you don't drink alcohol!" Tarzan says "It's a jungle out there!"
Flower Power
Adam to Eve: "Hey! I wear the plants in this family!"
Crater Café
Did you hear about the new restaurant that just opened up on the moon?

Good food, but no atmosphere.
One day, a sign appeared in an office window. It read: "Help wanted. Must type 70 words a minute. Must be computer literate. Must be bilingual. An equal opportunity employer."

A dog ambling down the street saw the sign, walked in, and applied for the job. The office manager said, "I can't hire a dog for this job." The dog pointed to the line: "An equal opportunity employer."

So the manager said, "Okay, take this letter and type it." The dog went off to the word processor and returned a minute later with the finished letter, perfectly formatted.

The manager said: "Here's a problem. Write a computer program for it and run it." Fifteen minutes later, the dog came back with the correct answer.

The manager still wasn't convinced. "I can't hire a dog for this position," he said. "You've got to be bilingual." The dog looked up at the manager and said, "Meow."
(Este es un chiste viejo pero muy bueno)

Windows 95
Abraham wants to upgrade his PC to Windows 95. Isaac is incredulous.

"Pop," he says, "you can't run Windows 95 on your old, slow 386. Everyone knows that you need at least a 486 with a minimum of 16 megs of memory in order to multitask effectively with Windows 95."

But Abraham, the man of faith, gazed calmly at his son and replied, "God will provide the RAM, my son."

Vayamos al grano
(Un dermatólogo)

Vayamos por partes
(Jack el Destripador)

No a la donación de órganos

Ser ciego no es tan malo, también podría ser negro
(Stevie Wonder)

Dios no existe
(F. Nietzsche)

Nietzsche no existe

¡Yo tengo un pasado muy negro!
(Michael Jackson)

Me dijeron que jugara pegado a la línea blanca
(Diego A. Maradona)

La humanidad me gusta cada día más
(Un caníbal)

No temáis, es sólo una nube pasajera

Eres la única mujer de mi vida

Estoy encinta


Antes era indeciso, ahora no sé.

¡El país se derrumba y nosotros de rumba!

Los valores se perdieron
(La Bolsa)

Resulta que en Bogotá estaban 2 mujeres peleando por un bebé, el alcalde al enterarse de la situación opta por una solución Salomónica y manda llamar al carnicero.

Una vez que llegó, les dice a las mujeres que el bebé va ser cortado en dos para que cada una se lleve una y no hayan peleas.

El carnicero horrorizado dice, "Pero que va, eso es una bobada, yo no lo voy hacer!

El alcalde decidido dice, "Bien, bien, el bebé es del carnicero".
Un caníbal le dice a otro: "Ando preocupado, no sé que hacer con mi mujer...".
Y el otro contesta: "¿Querés que te preste mi libro de recetas?".

Poema: La huída

Huyo con la modelo
con la princesa
a la frontera
al exilio
al jardín paradisíaco

La revelación
la luz
me gustaría comprender
la figura  difusa
y el silencio
que ha durado años

La extraña
en el camino
la flor que se abre
con el sol de otoño
un símbolo indescifrable

Poema: El altar

El arqueólogo desenterró
el altar primitivo
y con él, invisibles
los ruegos, las súplicas, las bendiciones

Los hechiceros y las brujas
los rituales fervorosos
el respeto de los reyes
la indiferencia final

El altar conoció
la multitud y el sacrificio
las lágrimas de la princesa
las nevadas y las sequías

El tiempo lo abandonó
lo postergó
llegaron el relámpago
el rayo
el olvido

Origa - From the town of lyre

     Una de mis canciones preferidas de Origa.

Humor gráfico ruso - Aprendiendo ruso

     El libro que lee esta chica se llama "Idioma Ruso" y creo que todos los que alguna vez hemos intentado aprender ruso nos sentimos identificados con ella.

miércoles, 8 de abril de 2015

Poema: Disappear

En  El Mollar
escalo el cerro
de las imágenes paganas
el valle y el lago
distantes, diminutos
y de pronto
los pecados del mundo
y mis lágrimas

(escrito viendo el vídeo "disappear" de INXS)

Poema: La oficial de seguridad

La oficial de seguridad
del supermercado
me mira con desconfianza, con recelo
trata de leer mi mente

Le parezco extraño, sospechoso
es cruel
me perseguirá sólo por deber

A quién amará
cuando su mente pierde el control
cuando se transforma en mujer

Mis ojos la evitan
pero algo en ella me atrae
algo contradictorio
me seduce, cautiva, fascina

Al irme
paso por los controles electrónicos
que no parpadearán
esta vez
ahora ella busca otro sospechoso

martes, 7 de abril de 2015

What is Organized Stalking?

Copiado de:

What is Organized Stalking?

Organized stalking, also called group stalking or gang stalking, is the organized targeting of an individual or couple. There are many methods used to create this targeting, but the main goal of organized stalking is to create fear in the victims.

Some ways to tell you're being stalked:

The sense you are being watched and followed everywhere you go.
You notice consistently rude behavior from people you don't know for no apparent reason.
You hear excerpts from conversations you had in the privacy of your home coming from people around you.
You feel that those around you have access to your thoughts. (see *1, *2, below for documentation of this)
Relationships and friendships become distant or strained for no apparent reason.
You experience problems on the job where groups of people are plotting to have you terminated.
Business deals consistently fall through for no apparent reason.
You experience vandalism on a regular basis.
You notice that your things are not in the same place you left them when you left home or some small items may be missing.
Frequent car repairs.
Staged car accidents.
Frequent appliance or electronic malfunctions.

Various methods used in organized stalking:

Brighting: having people turn on their headlights everywhere you go, especially parking lots and side roads.
Harassment: Neighbors making lots of extra noise seemingly on-purpose.
Following: Vehicles or pedestrians following on the road, sidewalks, and in stores -- following can be in front as well.
Yard: People running into the yard to create noise or leave strange items.
Noise: Car horns, fireworks, gunshots, door slamming, electrical yard power tools like lawn mowers.
Mobbing: Having people or cars surround you instantaneously.
Airplanes: flying over the house at apparent timed intervals.

What is Voice To Skull?

La siguiente publicación está copiada de:

What is Voice To Skull? 

     Voice to Skull, otherwise called V2K or Synthetic Telepathy, is the remote transmission of voices and sounds that are audible to the target. The target hears voices in the mind that are not coming from their own brains.  The purpose of the V2K appears to be control of the target. Synthetic telepathy is done through advanced technology.

     Some of the symptoms you might experience from Voice To Skull (V2K):

Sounds of footsteps inside, outside, or on top of your home.
The sounds of animals that aren't there.
Voices that are demanding, questioning, or conversational.
Voices as if inside the head or voices as if they are elsewhere in the room.
Other sounds that you know aren't real.

This list is not exhaustive and there may be many other symptoms associated with your targeting.

Hostigamiento psico-electrónico - Info

El artículo que publico a continuación brinda información valiosa sobre el hostigamiento psico-electrónico. Yo lo copié de:
(la página tiene mucha más información de la que está aquí)

But that was MKULTRA. We're free TODAY, aren't we?

Increasing numbers of citizens are reporting what could be called "Orwellian social control", (also known as "prison without bars") that is, a covert program of psychological control which is for LIFE and IN-HOME, IN-COMMUNITY, and is very different from the well-known MKULTRA behavior modification experiments carried on in the U.S. and Canada. This current-day sequel to MKULTRA's kidnap-and-torture program uses enhanced electronic technology, more advanced than that for which details are available from unclassified sources.
A peek at what led to these advanced electronic weapons can be seen by reading the book "Psychic Discoveries" by Sheila Ostrander and Lynn Schroeder.

A survey of 12,000 North Americans in April 2002 suggested that a possible one percent (3 million) people have been brought under this silent, covert program of oppression and ruination of life. Our experience is that it can take time, in some cases years, before the targets of this program realize it is more than just "bad luck".

Like MKULTRA, the FBI-style COINTELPRO crimes are currently perpetrated along with constant psycho-electronic harassment of citizens in their homes and communities. Historically, NEITHER MKULTRA nor COINTELPRO operations ever stopped, rather, they dropped their code names and have simply become better hidden.

In fact, current day social control programs are a greatly enhanced version of the famous Milgram experiments. For those who are unable to belive that large scale human rights atrocities can occur in "democratic countries" yet not appear in the media, consider the outrageous, current-day epidemic of pedophilia. Cover is provided by pedophiles occupying positions high up on the authority scale, who lead double lives, and make sure the issue stays out of public view.

The main techniques used by the controllers are reportedly:
- Hypnosis, transmitted silently, by electronic means, targetting both the experiment subject and people associated with the subject; a slight "ringing in the ears" is one indicator this is happening.
- Official "investigations" which don't ever seem to end, and with no defined purpose, and where the experiment subject is unaware of the investigation.
- Rumours of illegal and immoral behavior spread about the experiment subject
- "Street theater" and neighbor "skits" designed to keep the experiment subject uncomfortable and isolated for years; often, whenever subject moves, new neighbors are moved in soon after
- Sabotage of personal possessions and work at the experiment subject's home and place of employment

An anonymous letter from someone claiming to be a PERPETRATOR in this covert program stated that he was recruited by being told he was participating in "criminal rehabilitation", in spite of the fact that overwhelmingly, victims of this program do not have criminal records.

Information from a remote viewer has confirmed that "criminal rehabilitation" is a common cover story used to get local people to cooperate. Here is a list of common excuses used by human beings to justify this life long torture of innocent fellow human beings.

Cover is being provided by official denial and ridicule, and psychiatrists assist, usually being unaware of even the well-known MKULTRA atrocities.

CONTROL is exercised over these facets of the experiment subject's life:
who your friends are, and in many cases whether you will have any friends at all.
how your relations with family will go
how your relationships with business associates go
what sort of jobs you will be allowed to hold, regardless of your qualifications, and for how long, and what the quality of your work will be
how your health will fare, and in many cases if you will even be allowed good health whether or not you will be able to enjoy any of life's pleasures.
whether or not you will have any privacy at all
how well you will be treated in stores and other places of public service
how well your appliances will work and how long they will work without breakdowns
how much sleep you will be allowed
how long you, your children, and your pets will have between occurrences of bodily pain, fatigue, sleep deprivation

If you feel that citizens deserve to control the above areas of their own lives, please stay a while and read the materials on this site.

Pyscho-electronic mind control is ONE TILE in a much larger mosaic of government crimes. ...Check out shortwave news for up to the minute news on the government crime front.

Poema: La sacerdotisa

La televisión
la noche
el insomnio
la publicidad
la mujer
la sacerdotisa

Dibujas sobre la tierra
símbolos mágicos
invocas la parte primitiva de la naturaleza
las ideas simples, elementales
despiertas mi ilusión
mi instinto
mi amor primordial

La comunicación es furtiva
el subconsciente está fascinado
mi corazón ha captado tu mensaje
tu hechizo

lunes, 6 de abril de 2015

Origa - Utushka

     Origa es una gran cantante rusa. La canción del vídeo se llama "Utushka" y es el quinto tema del álbum "The annulet". Esta es la canción que más me gustó de ese álbum.

Hostigamiento psico-electrónico - Quick Advice

El artículo que publico a continuación pertenece a Eleanor White y brinda información muy valiosa sobre el hostigamiento psico-electrónico. Yo lo copié de:

Quick Advice
For New Correspondents
Who Discover They Are Targetted
May 23, 2003

Pyscho-electronic mind control is ONE TILE in a much larger mosaic of government crimes. ...Check out shortwave news for up to the minute news on the government crime front.

These advice points are the personal opinions of Eleanor White, who has been a mind control victim since 1980. The opinions expressed here are not necessarily those of Citizens Against Human Rights Abuse (CAHRA) or of CAHRA's founder and director, Cheryl Welsh.

Apologies - this page started out "quick" but has grown as more inquiries have been received. This advice carries with it no guarantee of successful results.

If you, the reader, are new to the fight to expose and stop mind control, I recommend you visit the glossary page. The following web site also contains valuable ideas for mind control victims:

Stop Covert War, Sueann Campbell's response to electronic mind weapons           harassment. See her Countermeasures page directly for additional ideas.

Advice Points

This advice carries with it no guarantee of successful results.
How can I stop this harassment?
As of the date of this page, I (Eleanor White) do not know of any way to stop the harassment. Furthermore, all indications so far are that the harassment will continue for life.
Because of this, it is important for victims to accept that there may be no solutions for the moment, and like the rest of us, will have to endure the harassment while we work on finding solutions.
The reasons why we are not now able to prove our case in court are:
- The technology used for the bodily attacks is too advanced to be conclusively proven using conventional test equipment.
- The bodily symptoms have multiple possible causes, making it impossible to blame them solely on external attacks.
- We have no government admissions (any government) that mind control projects are currently happening.
- The street theater harassment is perfectly engineered to look like the "normal breaks" of life.
- The break ins and sabotage at home and work are perfectly engineered to look like "normal wear", or, something the victim could forget he/she actually did (like excessive consumption of supplies)
- Outside observers, including police, doctors, judges and juries are biased by the ingrained human tendency to ignore the frequency factor in the harassment. The frequency factor, of course, is the difference between the "normal breaks" and what is happening to us.
- Outside observers, even under normal circumstances, would really rather not be involved with fighting crime, especially when even the authorities recognize that they can't go up against classified (secret) government black operations. This goes double for average citizens.

Having said all that, it's worthwhile to keep in mind that we DO have evidence, and if some naysayer says you have none, you can rebut that. Here are the types of evidence we do have:
- Testimonials from the MCF site which, regardless of what anyone else may think, are just as good as any other eye witness testimony.

- Refusal to even acknowledge that eye witness evidence indicates strong bias.

- UNclassified mind/body technology undeniably exists.

...for example.

A HUGE, DOCUMENTED history of the U.S. and other governments committing major crimes, both mind control and others equally atrocious, not the least of which were the MK series, COINTELPRO, and the radiation experiments (goes to motive). COINTELPRO can be read about in the Washington DC FBI public reading room.

COINTELPRO crimes are outlined in this book review:

CONSTANT covert entry to victims' homes, cars, and workplaces with constant SABOTAGE, which is PHYSICAL evidence; Each individual sabotage or theft item is small, but that's the whole plan, the essential design of the harassment program.
Various burns and other anomalies on victims' bodies (fairly rare, but they do exist)
Some of us have been through psychiatric exams and found not mentally ill. More than that, it's a prima facie case that psychiatrists have ZERO qualifications for judging whether a given covert government program is underway or not. A good mental health specialist lawyer could smash all such questionable diagnoses easily. (The DSM-IV, the "psychiatrists bible", does not require such a diagnosis.)

Personally, I, Eleanor White, believe that the shortest route to stopping the harassment may be in the exposure of some of the other major government crimes which are being covered up. The best source for news about those other crimes are the shortwave news broadcasts, which can also be heard on the WEB, and on some AM and FM stations. See this page for details:
For a book providing good background information on how and why major government crimes happen and continue decade after decade, see Rule by Secrecy, by Jim Marrs.
Toward this end, as much as my limited resources allow, I follow news about the efforts to expose such other crimes, and even participate in such exposure efforts where possible.
There is ONE possible method, expensive, time consuming, and requiring professional assistance, which might begin to show the public that the mind/body attacks are real. That would be to wear a compact digital recording EEG (electro-encephalogram) unit around the clock. This would require large amounts of a professional EEG analyst's time, and very likely a computer program to analyze the data would have to be written.
A control subject would have to do the same, with identical equipment, and who is not a victim.
The obvious cost of such detection work makes it prohibitive, however, when dealing with hostile authorities, family, friends and the general public, it is definitely worth mentioning this as a possible way to produce the necessary evidence.
See "Well, what CAN we do then?" below, for a list of some things we CAN do in spite of our disadvantages.
This won't stop the harassment, but because of George W. Bush's (and his New World Order masters') insane plan to attack other countries, making major upheavals in the world situation and even nuclear war a good possibility, I would strongly urge 'making one's self right with God' through repentance and prayer. It wouldn't cost anything for those who feel they are 'not religious' to hedge their bets in this manner too. I've been doing just that, along with lots of reflective time outdoors enjoying what's left of Nature for some time now. (Might also be worth while stocking up on storable food, acquiring some water containers, and having materials on hand for a solar still.)

This advice carries with it no guarantee of successful results.
What do the perpetrators want from me?
The full answer is guesswork. In the beginning (decades ago), it appeared this was sick psychological warfare "research". However, with an April 2002 survey of 12,000 North Americans, it now appears one percent of the population may be mind control victims. It is my (Eleanor White's) guess that mind control has moved from "research" into a program to suppress dissent and "neutralize" people considered as "undesirables", probably part of the predicted takeover by the New World Order. Naturally, the victims on whom "research" was performed must be kept on the NWO list, to keep them from being heard.
Evidence from victims indicates that training more perpetrators is proceeding quickly so as to expand this program. Since it takes a while for new victims to realize they are being deliberately targetted, this expansion hasn't showed yet in a major surge in new victims writing in. There has been, however a steady increase.
One thing the perpetrators want, a top priority item, is to confuse, discourage, and divide our group. One way to do this is to SIMULATE older technology, which will cause some of us to spend our last bit of time, last iota of strength, last dime, and last ounce of fighting spirit trying to buy cures for obsolete (conventional) technology. Keep in mind that if the perp technology was simple (like microwave), we would have found a solid countermeasure long ago.
One way to confuse, discourage and divide is to use different mind/body effects on different victims, spawning endless debates. (See Disinformation Agents and Facts, Fact Sources, and the "Poison Pill" Disinfo Tactic)
The fractionalizing tactic has been standard for government agencies and is clearly laid out in the book War at Home. Deception is the standard stock-in-trade of all government intelligence agencies. (This tactic began as FBI COINTELPRO)
Decoying and disinfo agents are ways the perps accomplish fractionalizing and keep the mind control issue from being recognized by the general public.
Read this plea and view an illustration urging victims to never overlook the possibility of decoying in their lives: Click here.
Click Here to hear an interview on Voice of America with an example of one disinformation style.
In order to inoculate yourself against these tactics, I recommend that everyone remind themselves frequently that the perpetrators goals include deception and fractionalizing of our group. I plead with everyone to never forget those goals.
* One recurring report from victims is that their perps' voice to skull transmissions indicate the victim is being used as the "ball" in a sick "betting game". The game, according to some reports, involves the application of some form of torture or skit, and the perp players bet on how the victim will react. Thinking about illegal amusement like cock fights, this does sound plausible.

This advice carries with it no guarantee of successful results.
How can I fight back?
Go to "How can I convince..." below. Most of the same tactics apply to fighting back as well.
In addition, I play lots of military and inspirational film sound track music to keep my fighting spirits up, and I picket, play recorded speeches, and hand out flyers in my (Eleanor White's) city streets and activist events. Recommendations relating to picketing, speeches, and flyers may be found on this page: spiel.htm
As much as my limited resources allow, I follow news about the efforts to expose other government crimes, and even participate in such exposure efforts where possible.
See "Well, what CAN we do, then?" below for some additional suggestions on productive activity which can help in the fight.

This advice carries with it no guarantee of successful results.
Are there any successful countermeasures?
This is a balancing act to try to answer. On the one hand, it is very important that victims understand that conventional signals (microwave, acoustics, ELF, lasers, etc.) are obsolete, and any experiments attempting to block or jam or detect conventional harassment signals will probably fail, and, victims can easily throw away their life savings, time, strength and hope and come up with nothing, as I (Eleanor White) did in the late 1990s.
On the other hand, experimentation, as long as the victim is fully aware that any experiment may prove useless, and can afford to lose the money and time invested, may turn something up in spite of the very advanced nature of today's mind control weapons.
There are some indirect areas where experimentation using conventional equipment might turn up some useful results:
(One of the most promising) Experiments using conventional technology which has proven it can inhibit psychic abilities, and by inference, possibly useful against the advanced mind control signals.
Natural lightning storms have been said to inhibit psychic ability by one psychic researcher. A military remote viewer stated the Russians may have a device which can block remote viewing.
Tesla coils (HV-AC) and Van de Graff generators (HV-DC) may be devices worth trying. If you have the funds to experiment with these, remember they may deliver lethal electric shocks so put a great deal of effort into SAFETY when using them.
This would mean looking for statements by psychics or scientific psychic researchers on what they have found interferes with psychic abilities, (nicknamed "psi".)
This book review may give the reader some clues about equipment which has been successful in serious ghost and paranormal investigations.
Monitoring the body's responses to the advanced signals, such as use of EEGs, camcorders, etc. to demonstrate that SOMETHING is happening. So far, living things seem to be the only successful detectors of the perp signals, and even then, the success isn't 100%.
Entraining the brain and/or nervous system using "soothing" rhythms (e.g. "sleep" frequency EEG waves, or similar audio signals or biofeedback). Personally, I recommend using magnetic fields rather than skin contact electrodes. This is because skin contact electrodes can cause severe irritation, rashes and blisters.
Attempts to record the voice to skull or other strange audio effects.
What is key to understanding the question of obsolete vs. today's advanced technologies is to know that advanced technologies can and do DELIVER conventional electromagnetic and acoustic manifestations into victims' homes and bodies. But these conventional manifestations DO NOT TRAVEL in conventional form. The advanced technology delivers the conventional manifestations with the precision of an hypodermic syringe. This is cause for considerable confusion, as when victims use, perhaps, a Tri-Field Meter or similar device which registers electromagnetic or other conventional fields at the site of a perp attack. They may find unusual conventional fields, but that doesn't mean those fields travelled into the victim's home or body in that form.
To actually USE a meter or other test equipment reading as proof is very difficult. Unless this reading ALWAYS shows in perfect synchronization with bodily or attacks on other objects, and such reading type can be CONSISTENTLY REPEATED by other victims, such a reading is almost certainly not usable as proof of attack.
It is worth noting that conventional electromagnetic manifestations routinely occur during ghost appearances and activity, and this is another example of conventional EM fields which are not delivered by way of their conventional form. (In fact, I Eleanor White recommend considering a request to local ghost investigators to scan the homes of victims. Possibly victims with basic items like tape recorders and camcorders might try to trap perp activity using electronic voice and image phenomena techniques.)
Here are a few successful partial relief countermeasures, such as:
Running a box fan at bed level over your bare legs can make being tortured while being kept awake a little less miserable.
Foam cylinder ear plugs can help a little when the perps make noise to keep you awake
Coarse abrasive paint removal scrubbing pads, or garlic graters, or Dr. Scholls metallic corn removal tools, or stiff hair brushes with fibers cut to half of normal length, or 'Scalpicin' scalp itch formula, kept on or near the bed, carried with you, can relieve some of the small electric shocks and artificial itching used to keep the victim awake.
Depending on the intensity of the attacks, you may have to abrade your skin until it literally hangs off in flakes.
     The wearing of coarse paint removal scrubbing pads inside clothing, either singly or glued together with silicone rubber, so that in public places you have a means to soothe either the electric shocks or intense itches.
     Melatonin taken at bed time can make it easier to get a little relaxation in between perp attacks in bed. Amitriptylene (requires a prescription) in small doses may help too.
Playing loud music or a favourite radio/TV station can help a bit during voice to skull attacks.
Labelling supplies containers with the date opened, and successive levels each day can reduce the amount of dumping of supplies. Containers which clearly show dumping of supplies can be kept as evidence.
I find that spending as much time outdoors as possible, and walking to maintain physical health, provides a degree of relief.
I find that engaging in simple, low cost hobbies, such as the perps will allow you to engage in, is very uplifting. (Personally, I find hanging out with and feeding squirrels serves me well as a low cost diversion. Click here if you think feeding squirrels might suit you.)
I find that listening to shortwave news is very uplifting. (These broadcasters also broadcast from their WEB sites, and some AM and FM stations, on the clickable references.)
However, the perps can render these and any other countermeasures useless if they are really determined to do so.
I recommend these criteria for deciding if a given countermeasure actually works, or is a decoy:
     Provides TOTAL relief for at least one major effect with no gaps
     Works for EVERYONE who tries it
     Works the SAME WAY for everyone who tries it
     Works the same way for everyone who tries it for SEVERAL MONTHS

Personally, I (Eleanor White) would use 6 months as the minimum before I would call a countermeasure successful, using the criteria above, and that would include success reports from victims I know well, other than the originator of the cure.
If you are interested, here are three books describing scientific experiments which are aggressively ignored by 'mainstream' scientists, and which demonstrate clearly the performance level of current-day mind control technology:
"Psychic Discoveries Behind the Iron Curtain" by Lynn Schroeder and Sheila Ostrander.
"The Secret Life of Plants" by Tompkins and Bird
"The Secret Life of Cells" by Robert Stone

If someone tells you these books "have been discredited", they are possibly a disinformation agent. ALL books pointing to technology ignored by so-called 'mainstream' scientists are allegedly 'discredited', however, if you investigate, you will find that the experiments have been repeated by others. For example, I have verified using a single channel consumer type EEG machine that plants do indeed have a type of EEG electrical activity that clearly varies.
New mind control victims need to learn just how forcefully any new technologies are suppressed, and those three books above contain prime examples.

This advice carries with it no guarantee of successful results.
What if I'm forced to see a doctor?
There may be times when perpetrator attacks produce symptoms so severe that visits to a medical doctor become necessary. It is important to understand that the OVERWHELMING majority of MDs will instantly diagnose you as delusional (delirante) if you try to tell them your symptoms are attacks from hidden electronic equipment, government agencies, or that you are being gassed or poisoned.
For one thing, ALL medical symptoms can be applied electronically, but if you have severe symptoms, just on the chance it may be a real medical condition and not an electronic attack, it's smart to get it checked by a doctor.
When you see a medical doctor, I, Eleanor White, recommend you do NOT say the symptoms came from mind control or any form of deliberate harassment. Instead, I recommend describing the symptoms and leaving it up to the doctor to speculate about the cause.

This advice carries with it no guarantee of successful results.
How can I convince authorities, family, friends and co-workers that I'm not crazy?
First, I recommend that victims stay away from psychiatrists.
These doctors have no training in government black operations and are not "in the loop" i.e. updated on government black operations. Thus when they offer the opinion that mind control is not happening and you are delusional (delirante), they are exceeding their professional qualifications (and are likely technically guilty of malptractice.)
Mind control programs are harassment and torture, not mental illness. The only exception to staying away from psychiatrists would be the rare instance in which a local lawyer with a mental health defence sub-specialty recommends an honest psychiatrist who will not label you "in need of help" with a hair trigger diagnosis. Such psychiatrists are rare. I strongly urge all victims to take advantage of lawyers' "free 30 minutes" to window shop for a lawyer who takes legal aid cases and who has a mental health defence sub specialty. And if the lawyer can recommend an honest psychiatrist who will not assume that government harassment is impossible, it might be prudent to quietly have yourself assessed before some crisis occurs in your life. Listen to your instincts and do not rush to have a mental health assessment, however.
IMPORTANT: You must control your natural hope and expectations so that you do not expect either a sympathetic lawyer or honest psychiatrist to become an activist on your behalf. Don't overstay your welcome, don't send them lots of correspondence, don't pester them in any way. Your purpose is to have some contacts handy should the perps put you into a crisis situation.
Secondly, (and this is hard for people who have recently realized that they are being harassed illegally,) I recommend that you avoid complaining to anyone about anything that you cannot prove with courtroom quality physical evidence. Ripped clothing, broken furniture, slashed tires, for example. Complaining about any of the bodily effects puts you in danger of being forced under the "care" of a psychiatrist, which will discredit you for years to come.
(Once you have had a couple of years' experience and have assimilated some of the abundant factual material pertaining to mind control, you might then start working in some of the personal experiences under some conditions. Such conditions are explained on this page: facts.htm.)
One special point should be noted. Mind control victims are victims of CRIME, and NOT ANY KIND OF MEDICAL CONDITION. Disinformation agents will often try to derail serious talk about mind control using medical conditions, "electrosensitivity" being very popular. If someone is shot dead, the fact that they may have been allergic to lead in NO WAY reduces the CRIME of murder. When "electrosensitivity" pops into the conversation, I plainly and emphatically state that has nothing to do with the CRIME of mind control, will not debate that issue further. I recommend this tactic to others.
Click here for further information on disinformation agents, who are always around, in the print media, in email forums on mind control, or on the talk radio circuit.
Here is something VERY worthwhile for new victims to do before making any kind of report or complaint to the authorities, and that includes all doctors: Visit a large general, or better yet, medical school library, and locate the current "DSM" or "Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders". At time of writing, the current version is IV, and it's commonly referred to as the "DSM IV", which is spoken as "DSM Four".
This is a roughly 500 page book. Along with the DSM IV you will find accessory books like "annotations" or "case studies", but you want the actual DSM IV, not the accessories.
Go into the table of contents, and look for chapters with these key words: "schizophrenia", "paranoid", and "delusional".
Scan the related topics and sub-topics, watching for CRITERIA used by psychiatrists to diagnose (i.e. label) you with these particular conditions. You will be AMAZED at how the behaviour of any mind control victim fits PERFECTLY with the criteria listed. The lesson to be learned here - see for yourself, don't take my word on it - is that in our particular situation, ANY contact with doctors and particularly psychiatrists is almost a guarantee of a false diagnosis of "schizoid", "paranoid" or "delusional" mental disorder.
This short experience - shouldn't take more than an hour - will equip you for dealing with, should you be forced, or avoiding, contact on the subject of mind control with the medical profession.
Avoid the contact on the subject of mind control with the medical profession.

Some of the worst things to complain about to others are:
"I have implants in my teeth" without xrays to confirm
"I have implants in my head" without xrays to confirm
"My TV set is giving me commands"
"My stereo is giving me commands"
"My dog is giving me commands"
"I'm being followed by airplanes/helicopters"
"I have to wear a foil beanie"

Especially important is to avoid complaining about the motives of local perpetrators. That is one of the main traps the perps set for us. Someone else's motive is nearly impossible to prove, even if you know that the motive is participation in the mind control program.
Having said that, the odds are that by the time a new victim reads this advice, they have already been suckered into complaining about the bodily effects (which are nearly impossible to support with physical evidence) and may have already been in contact with the psychiatric system, and may have already been labelled by family, friends, and co-workers as crazy.
The way out of this type of discreditation is long and hard, but it can be done by spending your time and resources doing all you can to learn about FACTS ON PUBLIC RECORD (which does not include our own torment, as it hasn't been proven anywhere, sad to say) which point to the availability and use of psycho-electronic weapons and their use on involuntary experimentees:
Brief yourself on the evidence we DO have, which though not enough to prove our case in court yet, is far more than the "none" used against us by authorities and other naysayers
Brief yourself on three government recognitions that at least electronic anti-personnel technology exists, as these three bulletins can assist when dealing with hostile authorities including psychiatrists who want you to take medications you do not need:

One professional scientific journal also states that voice to skull technology exists - this is the single most important document in support of electronic mind weapon technology to date and which, being unclassified is acceptable to members of the public: v2succes.htm
A conference of government and non-government scientists at the prestigious Pasteur Institute in Paris stated in Nature magazine (January 22, 1998) that the day when unclassified thought reading will be possible is rapidly approaching as a result of improvements in brain scan technology:
UNclassified and commerical technology available to anyone these days, uncom.htm ...and the fact that there are no controls on owning or using these devices.
MKULTRA, the REAL story which is FAR MORE than a few hits of LSD and some drugging of patients for hypnosis in Montreal:
The FBI's COINTELPRO atrocities, started during the days of Viet Nam war resistance, and including protesters of racism, and continuing to the present, and which are exactly the type of things happening to us except for the exotic electronic weapons: warathom.htm
The U.S. government's HUMAN RADIATION EXPERIMENTS, which, like our situation, the government labelled as "a bunch of crazies" until President Clinton finally admitted publicly that hundreds of innocent victims were fed or injected with radioactive substances: hradexco.htm
A list of researcher LEADS of probable government human experimentation crimes - these require verification before becoming usable as factual evidence. However, if theses are genuine finds, they portray a long history of such crimes.
It would be helpful to learn something about other government crimes too.
As you read and learn the history of on-public-record proven mind control and similar factual material, I strongly recommend keeping a personal list of questions you have encountered or might encounter, and well thought out and researched comebacks to those questions. Rehearse those questions and comebacks frequently, and keep adding to the list.
One common challenge you may have already heard is for the authorities, family, friends, or members of the public to say: "You are paranoid."
You can answer like this, (if the situation seems appropriate): "The fact that YOU are UNWILLING to learn about the full history of mind control in no way makes ME PARANOID!"
(Courtesy Dr. Stanley Monteith, shortwave broadcaster. His show title is "Radio Liberty", weekday evenings.)
Some other questions and comebacks I've encountered while picketing are listed on this page: spiel.htm
Always keep in mind these potential considerations and pitfalls:
Facts, Fact Sources, and the "Poison Pill" Disinfo Tactic
Disinformation Agents

This advice carries with it no guarantee of successful results.
What kind of technology do the perps use?
I (Eleanor White) do not know how the genuine, current-day, classified (secret) technology works. I know, from personal experience and the effects reported by other victims that we are not being targetted by simple conventional technology. Here are some of the observed effects of the classified mind control technology which show conventional technology is not in use:
- Can penetrate excellent EM and acoustic shielding as if the shielding were not there
- can move objects, from tiny gas bubbles in the victim's respiratory tract, through yanking legs out from under the victim, all the way up to shoving a moving car sideways
- Can make objects disappear then reappear in another location, and the reappearance location can be a moving vehicle
- Can strike heavy blows to any object, or set any object including the body into strong vibration, while nearby objects are not vibrating at all
- Can wrench house/building structure causing loud snapping or crackling noises, often done at precisely the point where a victim is starting to doze off to sleep
- Can "inject air from nowhere" inside the upper lip when the lips are firmly closed, and the tongue and cheeks are blocking air from the lungs - this injection is used to keep the target awake as it results in a loud noise like flatulence (Appears to be done via other dimensions, aka "hyperspace")
- Can apply thousands of pounds tension to metal stock or welds in excellent condition, causing breakage, yet no tool marks are left on the finish
- Inexplicable (from conventional technology standpoint) "lights" on and close to victims, especially from the MKULTRA era. Some are seen by nearby witnesses (like two cases of brightly glowing hands) or show on photos. Burns on the victim sometimes show afterwards.
- Small number of total levitation cases, at least one witnessed

One recommendation is: Avoid tying any complaints you might make down to any single type of technology. If you complain to the authorities that you are being targetted by "satellites" or "implants" or "microwave" or any other SPECIFIC type of technology, you have just made it much easier for the authorities to discredit you.
The authorities can xray you for implants and find none, or sweep your home for microwave and find none, or point a signal analyzer at the sky and find nothing out of the ordinary, and you are then discredited, and to some extent so are the rest of us.

The fact is that we do NOT know how the genuine, current-day technology works. We DO know that today's technology operates at an extremely sophisticated performance level. For example:
- About 40% of victims report strong vibrations of body parts or objects, where there is no      surrounding vibration to account for this effect. Conventional signals canNOT do this.
- Perhaps twice that many victims report regular "wrenching" of house/building structure, to produce cap-gun like "snapping" or "crackling", usually applied at the very moment the victim tries to drop off to sleep. This cannot be performed by conventional signals either.

I did try a 4-layer shielded cylinder surrounding my bed, for a period of two years. The 4 layers, outside first, were:

- Solid sheet steel
- Aluminum foil
- Galvanized steel mesh
- Radio signal absorbtive foam

Air was provided by way of an intake duct and exhaust duct, solid sheet steel, lined with radio signal absorbtive foam, and stuffed with copper scrubbing pads.
Battery operated AM, FM, and shortwave radios, and a battery operated TV set, and a cell phone, did not work inside this enclosure at all. In fact, they didn't work even when the enclosure door was open, probably due to the effects of the inner radio absorbtion layer.
All effects, including some of the above list of advanced effects, continued without the slightest reduction within this enclosure.
Never forget that technology more advanced than that known to most scientists CAN IMITATE older, conventional technology. Common sense tells you that the perpetrators WILL at times imitate obsolete technology to confuse and divide those fighting mind control.
The lesson, as I (Eleanor White) see it is refer only to "unknown technology" rather than trying to explain to authorities technology details you do not have absolute proof of. Do see this letter from former USAF physicist Dr. Tom Bearden who has experienced some mind control weapon attacks: tb2margo.htm

This advice carries with it no guarantee of successful results.
The perps are really harassing me. Can I do anything to get them to back off?
There is no way to appease the perps that I (Eleanor White) am aware of. Hiding and not going public does not cause the harassment to back off, based on what I've heard and read.
There is also no way you can "give them what they want" so as to cause them to reduce or stop harassing you. "What they want" is to harass and torture you.

This advice carries with it no guarantee of successful results.
Is there any way to keep secrets from the perps?
In my (Eleanor White's) opinion, there is no type of communications which is secure from the perps. Encryption, secure servers, avoidance of the Internet do not prevent the perps from knowing what you are thinking. There is a faint possibility that if you have an idea which is not ever "said silently to yourself", the perps may not be able to monitor such non-vocalized thoughts. This is not assured as of the date of this document, however.

This advice carries with it no guarantee of successful results.
I have an implant. How can I get it taken out?
Many victims assume that because they are tracked, their thoughts read, and are targetted in other ways, they must have implants. Newly aware victims need to realize that many victims have never had surgery, unexplained wounds, or lost time, and therefore are confident they do NOT have implants.
Furthermore, the technology is highly exotic, can penetrate electromagnetic shielding and can evade conventional electronic detection equipment. This sophistication, and reports by many victims make it wise to NOT assume you are implanted unless you have unmistakeable x-ray proof.
Here above is x-ray proof, provided by victim John Gregory Lambros.
It is highly probable that the brain's natural electric currents and corresponding magnetic fields serve today's advanced equipment as the tracking and thought reading/writing "implant". After all, "brain fingerprinting" is being developed in the unclassified world.
(It is possible to have a non-metallic implant which may not show on an x-ray too.)
If you make claims that you are implanted, and later on, the authorities have you x-rayed and find nothing, you have discredited yourself and in some degree the rest of us too. Yes, a few victims do have implants, but they are far from the majority. Most of the implant photos available are on the Mind Control Forum at this link:
The only source I am aware of for implant removal is a podiatrist who has arranged for some implant removal from UFO abductees. He does not do the surgery, rather, he has surgical associates who do the actual work. No mind control victim I'm aware of has successfully approached Dr. Leir and arranged for a mind control implant's removal. Dr. Leir has a web site at:
Here is a writeup by someone familiar with Dr. Leir's work, describing what's been happening with some of the UFO implants he's removed to date.

This advice carries with it no guarantee of successful results.
Well, what CAN we do, then?
Over the past few years, I've been in the unhappy position of explaining to new victim correspondents what we CAN'T do, and why. Here are some things I feel we canNOT do, and of course, this is just one person's opinion:
     Sue in civil court
     Press charges in criminal court
     Shield against current-day advanced harassment signals
     Directly detect the advanced signals
     Jam the advanced signals
     "Give the perps what they want" so as to stop the harassment
     Hide, don't go public, in hopes the perps will harass less
     Convince family, friends, the authorities, the public
     Find a "helping" govt or non-govt org willing to help US
     Have implants detected, removed, and analyzed

I think it's probably time to set up a list of what we CAN do for those same new correspondents. Again, this is only one person's opinion here, but I think there are some positive things we can do, while the media and the "war on terrorism" keeps the public's attention tied up:
     Network with and assist other victims
     Do what you can to FIND other victims in your area, some of whom do not know yet they are targets
     Learn all we can about mind control FACTS and mentally review those facts often
     Using only those FACTS, picket, publicly speak, hand out flyers, call into talk shows spiel.htm ...has some suggestions on specifics
     Keep a personal record of questions and answers, including the best responses you can come up with based on the factual material, and REHEARSE those responses; spiel.htm ...for some of mine
     Learn about and support activism which tries to expose OTHER major government crimes;
     shortwav.htm a good place to start. Anti-globalism protests are a good place to make contacts,
     as are U.S. Patriot movement conferences. (Listed shows also broadcast on the WEB and on some AM and FM stations.)
     Increase your knowledge about how and why major government crimes happen and keep happening by reading Rule by Secrecy, by Jim Marrs
     Use the information about other government crimes to add to your personal list of questions and answers
     Get libraries to acquire (or donate to libraries yourself) books on mind control
     As much exercise as possible, walking being one of the best types

This list is enough to keep us all productively busy in spite of what the perps have done to keep the public distracted.
This advice carries with it no guarantee of successful results.

Hostigamiento psico-electrónico - Autotest

Eleanor White publicó hace unos años, en inglés, un autotest para saber si uno es víctima de hostigamiento psico-electrónico. Creo que tanto el sitio como la dirección de email de la autora no son válidos actualmente.

A continuación incluyo el test tal como aparece al final del libro "Alien Cicatrix II" de Corrado Malanga. También se lo puede encontrar en:

Do you think you are targetted by psycho- electronic harassment?

June 19, 2003

¿Cree que está siendo objeto de hostigamiento psico-electrónico?

Test Auto Evaluación para deducir si Ud. es blanco de acecho y control psico-electrónico. (solo en inglés)

Pyscho-electronic mind control is ONE TILE in a much larger mosaic of government
crimes. ...Check out shortwave news for up to the minute news on the government crime

What this form may do for you

This form is being used by me, Eleanor White,, to find out if
symptoms of neuro-electromagnetic weapons use are widespread among the general public.

My group studying these questions has experienced all of the effects listed below for periods of a few years to two decades or more. We believe the tempation to use the classified technology on more and more people will expand our group beyond the roughly 1,600 members world-wide at present.

Some of the symptoms below are also symptoms of "mental illness". However, neuroelectromagnetic equipment can duplicate symptoms of mental illness and you may be
completely free of mental illness and still experience these symptoms. Making you seem
mentally ill is part of the cover used by those who have and use this equipment.

In April 2002, a survey of about 12,000 North Americans using these questions
produced a one percent return rate. Thus we know such symptoms may be common to
perhaps three million North Americans, and an unknown number of others world wide.

I will annually tally the results from this survey and post them on these other pages on
this web site:


Year 2002:

You may, if you wish, take this alternate survey, which has substantially different
questions from my own, below.

Starting with the line "START OF FORM", click and hold your left mouse button down and sweep downwards until the "END OF FORM" line is high lighted. Release the mouse button, and - the highlighting should stay. Hold the Ctrl key down and touch the C key. (Then release the Ctrl key.)

Open an email window (either in your browser or email program), click the cursor into the message box. Hold the Ctrl key down and touch V. (Then release the Ctrl key.)

Type your three anonymous ID items into the email message. Insert an "x" in front of any of the listed symptoms that you experience on a regular basis.

Using an email address which will be kept CONFIDENTIAL, mail to

START OF FORM ------------------------------------

[Code or real] name:
City name:
"X" ahead of any of the following symptoms of the harassment typical of electronic mind weapon targets (non-electronic harassment usually goes with the electronic effects):

____ You find that all of your family, friendship, and business relationships are going sour and you have done nothing to cause this?

____ You find that "accidental" blocking of you as you walk or drive about, by strangers, has increased dramatically and every day brings several "blocking" incidents. E.g., someone slips ahead of you at the bank machine or grocery checkout, or with cars in unexpected places in parking lots. This is part of what targets call "street theater".


____ Telephones frequently have static or tones or echoes; you have lots of "wrong number" calls.

____ Street lights going out as you pass under them, walking or driving.

____ Your watch and other batteries going dead often far too soon to be "natural" deaths.

____ You find that you are coming suddenly awake at precisely the SAME TIME, middle of every night.

____ Inescapable voice in your head and you are not mentally ill.

____ Ringing in ears may start/stop when switching on or off electronic devices telephone or clock ringing or fake kocking on your door.

____ Fake, loud bird calls, outdoors, which follow you everywhere.

____ Hot needles deep in your flesh, especially when trying to sleep (also called "bee stings")

____ Limbs jerking wildly, especially when trying to sleep.

____ Extremely powerful itching which may start as small electrical shocks.

____ Very fast heartbeat while relaxed (not having exercised recently).

____ Very high body heat, no fever, relaxed, cool surroundings.

____ Vibration, large area of your body, or, nearby objects which should not vibrate normally.

____ Forced awakening, can't go back to sleep, as if on high doses of caffeine.

____ Vivid 3 D images while awake, - eyes open or closed.

____ Urges to go somewhere you don't need to or at times you would not go there.

____ Neighbors can see thru walls, possibly by sounds from them which "follow" you

____ Repeated instances where it seems your mind is being read.

____ Repeated evidence of breakins, small scale thefts, and sabotage both at home and at work.

____ Sudden "drop-you-in-your-tracks" fatigue at times you should not be

____ Have you ever seen the symbols pictured below?

If "yes", please type a short description of where and under what circumstances you have seen any of the above symbols, and which ones.



END OF FORM --------------------------------------
THANKS for completing this form. I hope the results will eventually help us all.
Eleanor White (