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lunes, 6 de abril de 2015

Hostigamiento psico-electrónico - Autotest

Eleanor White publicó hace unos años, en inglés, un autotest para saber si uno es víctima de hostigamiento psico-electrónico. Creo que tanto el sitio como la dirección de email de la autora no son válidos actualmente.

A continuación incluyo el test tal como aparece al final del libro "Alien Cicatrix II" de Corrado Malanga. También se lo puede encontrar en:

Do you think you are targetted by psycho- electronic harassment?

June 19, 2003

¿Cree que está siendo objeto de hostigamiento psico-electrónico?

Test Auto Evaluación para deducir si Ud. es blanco de acecho y control psico-electrónico. (solo en inglés)

Pyscho-electronic mind control is ONE TILE in a much larger mosaic of government
crimes. ...Check out shortwave news for up to the minute news on the government crime

What this form may do for you

This form is being used by me, Eleanor White,, to find out if
symptoms of neuro-electromagnetic weapons use are widespread among the general public.

My group studying these questions has experienced all of the effects listed below for periods of a few years to two decades or more. We believe the tempation to use the classified technology on more and more people will expand our group beyond the roughly 1,600 members world-wide at present.

Some of the symptoms below are also symptoms of "mental illness". However, neuroelectromagnetic equipment can duplicate symptoms of mental illness and you may be
completely free of mental illness and still experience these symptoms. Making you seem
mentally ill is part of the cover used by those who have and use this equipment.

In April 2002, a survey of about 12,000 North Americans using these questions
produced a one percent return rate. Thus we know such symptoms may be common to
perhaps three million North Americans, and an unknown number of others world wide.

I will annually tally the results from this survey and post them on these other pages on
this web site:


Year 2002:

You may, if you wish, take this alternate survey, which has substantially different
questions from my own, below.

Starting with the line "START OF FORM", click and hold your left mouse button down and sweep downwards until the "END OF FORM" line is high lighted. Release the mouse button, and - the highlighting should stay. Hold the Ctrl key down and touch the C key. (Then release the Ctrl key.)

Open an email window (either in your browser or email program), click the cursor into the message box. Hold the Ctrl key down and touch V. (Then release the Ctrl key.)

Type your three anonymous ID items into the email message. Insert an "x" in front of any of the listed symptoms that you experience on a regular basis.

Using an email address which will be kept CONFIDENTIAL, mail to

START OF FORM ------------------------------------

[Code or real] name:
City name:
"X" ahead of any of the following symptoms of the harassment typical of electronic mind weapon targets (non-electronic harassment usually goes with the electronic effects):

____ You find that all of your family, friendship, and business relationships are going sour and you have done nothing to cause this?

____ You find that "accidental" blocking of you as you walk or drive about, by strangers, has increased dramatically and every day brings several "blocking" incidents. E.g., someone slips ahead of you at the bank machine or grocery checkout, or with cars in unexpected places in parking lots. This is part of what targets call "street theater".


____ Telephones frequently have static or tones or echoes; you have lots of "wrong number" calls.

____ Street lights going out as you pass under them, walking or driving.

____ Your watch and other batteries going dead often far too soon to be "natural" deaths.

____ You find that you are coming suddenly awake at precisely the SAME TIME, middle of every night.

____ Inescapable voice in your head and you are not mentally ill.

____ Ringing in ears may start/stop when switching on or off electronic devices telephone or clock ringing or fake kocking on your door.

____ Fake, loud bird calls, outdoors, which follow you everywhere.

____ Hot needles deep in your flesh, especially when trying to sleep (also called "bee stings")

____ Limbs jerking wildly, especially when trying to sleep.

____ Extremely powerful itching which may start as small electrical shocks.

____ Very fast heartbeat while relaxed (not having exercised recently).

____ Very high body heat, no fever, relaxed, cool surroundings.

____ Vibration, large area of your body, or, nearby objects which should not vibrate normally.

____ Forced awakening, can't go back to sleep, as if on high doses of caffeine.

____ Vivid 3 D images while awake, - eyes open or closed.

____ Urges to go somewhere you don't need to or at times you would not go there.

____ Neighbors can see thru walls, possibly by sounds from them which "follow" you

____ Repeated instances where it seems your mind is being read.

____ Repeated evidence of breakins, small scale thefts, and sabotage both at home and at work.

____ Sudden "drop-you-in-your-tracks" fatigue at times you should not be

____ Have you ever seen the symbols pictured below?

If "yes", please type a short description of where and under what circumstances you have seen any of the above symbols, and which ones.



END OF FORM --------------------------------------
THANKS for completing this form. I hope the results will eventually help us all.
Eleanor White (

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