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martes, 7 de abril de 2015

Hostigamiento psico-electrónico - Info

El artículo que publico a continuación brinda información valiosa sobre el hostigamiento psico-electrónico. Yo lo copié de:
(la página tiene mucha más información de la que está aquí)

But that was MKULTRA. We're free TODAY, aren't we?

Increasing numbers of citizens are reporting what could be called "Orwellian social control", (also known as "prison without bars") that is, a covert program of psychological control which is for LIFE and IN-HOME, IN-COMMUNITY, and is very different from the well-known MKULTRA behavior modification experiments carried on in the U.S. and Canada. This current-day sequel to MKULTRA's kidnap-and-torture program uses enhanced electronic technology, more advanced than that for which details are available from unclassified sources.
A peek at what led to these advanced electronic weapons can be seen by reading the book "Psychic Discoveries" by Sheila Ostrander and Lynn Schroeder.

A survey of 12,000 North Americans in April 2002 suggested that a possible one percent (3 million) people have been brought under this silent, covert program of oppression and ruination of life. Our experience is that it can take time, in some cases years, before the targets of this program realize it is more than just "bad luck".

Like MKULTRA, the FBI-style COINTELPRO crimes are currently perpetrated along with constant psycho-electronic harassment of citizens in their homes and communities. Historically, NEITHER MKULTRA nor COINTELPRO operations ever stopped, rather, they dropped their code names and have simply become better hidden.

In fact, current day social control programs are a greatly enhanced version of the famous Milgram experiments. For those who are unable to belive that large scale human rights atrocities can occur in "democratic countries" yet not appear in the media, consider the outrageous, current-day epidemic of pedophilia. Cover is provided by pedophiles occupying positions high up on the authority scale, who lead double lives, and make sure the issue stays out of public view.

The main techniques used by the controllers are reportedly:
- Hypnosis, transmitted silently, by electronic means, targetting both the experiment subject and people associated with the subject; a slight "ringing in the ears" is one indicator this is happening.
- Official "investigations" which don't ever seem to end, and with no defined purpose, and where the experiment subject is unaware of the investigation.
- Rumours of illegal and immoral behavior spread about the experiment subject
- "Street theater" and neighbor "skits" designed to keep the experiment subject uncomfortable and isolated for years; often, whenever subject moves, new neighbors are moved in soon after
- Sabotage of personal possessions and work at the experiment subject's home and place of employment

An anonymous letter from someone claiming to be a PERPETRATOR in this covert program stated that he was recruited by being told he was participating in "criminal rehabilitation", in spite of the fact that overwhelmingly, victims of this program do not have criminal records.

Information from a remote viewer has confirmed that "criminal rehabilitation" is a common cover story used to get local people to cooperate. Here is a list of common excuses used by human beings to justify this life long torture of innocent fellow human beings.

Cover is being provided by official denial and ridicule, and psychiatrists assist, usually being unaware of even the well-known MKULTRA atrocities.

CONTROL is exercised over these facets of the experiment subject's life:
who your friends are, and in many cases whether you will have any friends at all.
how your relations with family will go
how your relationships with business associates go
what sort of jobs you will be allowed to hold, regardless of your qualifications, and for how long, and what the quality of your work will be
how your health will fare, and in many cases if you will even be allowed good health whether or not you will be able to enjoy any of life's pleasures.
whether or not you will have any privacy at all
how well you will be treated in stores and other places of public service
how well your appliances will work and how long they will work without breakdowns
how much sleep you will be allowed
how long you, your children, and your pets will have between occurrences of bodily pain, fatigue, sleep deprivation

If you feel that citizens deserve to control the above areas of their own lives, please stay a while and read the materials on this site.

Pyscho-electronic mind control is ONE TILE in a much larger mosaic of government crimes. ...Check out shortwave news for up to the minute news on the government crime front.

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