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martes, 7 de abril de 2015

What is Voice To Skull?

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What is Voice To Skull? 

     Voice to Skull, otherwise called V2K or Synthetic Telepathy, is the remote transmission of voices and sounds that are audible to the target. The target hears voices in the mind that are not coming from their own brains.  The purpose of the V2K appears to be control of the target. Synthetic telepathy is done through advanced technology.

     Some of the symptoms you might experience from Voice To Skull (V2K):

Sounds of footsteps inside, outside, or on top of your home.
The sounds of animals that aren't there.
Voices that are demanding, questioning, or conversational.
Voices as if inside the head or voices as if they are elsewhere in the room.
Other sounds that you know aren't real.

This list is not exhaustive and there may be many other symptoms associated with your targeting.

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