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domingo, 18 de junio de 2017

Humor gráfico: The wife of the minister

Caminaban el ministro y su esposa.
En un momento ella saludó a un conserje.
(Esposo) - ¿Quién es ese?
- Una vez estudiamos juntos. Hace muchos años me pidió que me casara con él.
- Si hubieras aceptado ahora serías la esposa de un conserje.
- Si hubiera aceptado, ahora el ministro sería él.

The minister and his wife were walking.
At one point she greeted a concierge.
(Husband) - Who is that?
- We studied together once. Many years ago he asked me to marry him.
- If you had accepted now you would be the wife of a concierge.
- If he had accepted, now the minister would be him.

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