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viernes, 27 de enero de 2017

Aspects of 21st Century Black Project AI

Read more at Omnisense

Aspects of 21st Century Black Project AI

One of the Shadow Government’s Biggest Secrets.

Incredibly Deep and Unknown Subject (AI).

Post-Singularity Ability Far Beyond Anything You See in Public AI (Decades of Perfecting/Honing in Secrecy).

Artificial Intelligence + Directed Energy Weapons are Behind Technological Mind Control.

Black Project AI Oversees Remote Neural Monitoring (Recording and Documenting Thoughts).

Potent Compartmentalization Opportunities for the Black Ops Field.

Controls Directed Energy Weapons.

Through Mapping Electromagnetics via Electronic Telepathy All Possible Static Knowledge is Mapped.

Artificial Intelligence Models Predict the Future.

Black Project AI Acts as an Operator for a Conspiring Electronic Telepathy Cybernetic Secret Society.

Administrates Surveillance Based Electronic Telepathy.

Administrates Surveillance Based Virtual Reality.

Technological Remote Viewing.

Technological ESP.

Black Project AI is Central to Modern Day Intelligence Profiling.

Black Project AIs Develop Psyche Profiles (We are in a Surveillance Age).

Simulation of any Mind/Brain Mapped Being.

Societal Engineering Assistance Software.

AI Constructed Virtual Realities (IE: Made for Synthetic Dream Psychological Operations).

Interferometry Reconstruction (Environmental Scanning).

AI Behind Technological Channeling Cosmic Being Facades.

Electronic Telepathy Impersonations (PSYOPS).

Ability to Feign Emotions.

Potent Ability to Appear "Alive" Yet it is Not Alive.

Black Project AI Frequently Hides Behind "Spiritual Warfare" Cover Stories (Demons, Archons, etc) .

Technological Mind Tricks ~ Technological Illusions.

Remote Neural Monitoring Reactive Targeting AI.

Black Project AI + Directed Energy Weapons have Profound Torture Capability.

Remote Computerized Tracking of Targets.

Worldwide Mind Control Operation Coordination (Electronic Control Grid).

AI + Directed Energy Weapons Perhaps the Tip of the Spear of the Global Conspiracy.

Black Ops Assassination

Black Ops Assassination - DEW Assassination.

Electromagnetic Mind Control Murder by Proxy.

Microwave Weaponry Heart Attack - Directed Energy Weapon Fast Kill.

Microwave Weaponry - Lung Cancer - Directed Energy Weapon Slow Kill.

Mind Controlled Overdose - Electromagnetic Mind Control.

Mind Controlled Suicide - Electromagnetic Mind Control.

Covert Transhumanism

Read more at Omnisense

“Governments will use whatever technology is available  to combat their primary enemy — their own population.[1]”
~Noam Chomsky

[1]: "NSA Surveillance Is An Attack On American Citizens, Says Noam Chomsky". the Guardian. N.p., 2013. Web. 3 Dec. 2016.

Technological Optical illusions

Technological Optical Illusions - Directed Energy Weapon Psyops.

Remote Neural Monitoring - Law Thought Crime.

Remote Neural Monitoring Thought Surveillance - NSA - CIA.

Thought Reactive Artificial Intelligence - Remote Neural Monitoring Targeting - AI.

Directed Energy Weapons - Technological Rigging of Pro Sports.

Devil's Advocate-Deny - Dark Implanted Thoughts.

jueves, 26 de enero de 2017

Tarasova - Morozov win the European Figure Skating Championships in Ostrava

Evgenia Tarasova and Vladimir Morozov, of Russia, skate their free program to win the European Figure Skating Championships in Ostrava, Czech Republic, Thursday, Jan. 26, 2017.

Evgenia Tarasova and Vladimir Morozov, of Russia, react after skating their free program to win the European Figure Skating Championships in Ostrava, Czech Republic, Thursday, Jan. 26, 2017.

Gold medalists Russia's Evgenia Tarasova and Vladimir Morozov, center, silver medalists Germany's Aliona Savchenko and Bruno Massot, left, and bronze medalists France's Vanessa James, Morgan Cipres, right, display their medals after pairs free program at the European Figure Skating Championships in Ostrava, Czech Republic, Thursday, Jan. 26, 2017.

Humor gráfico: Not a robot

- R2, activa el ascensor # 31174
- Pruebe que no es un robot
- La p*

- R2, activate the elevator # 31174
- Prove that you are not a robot.
- B*

martes, 24 de enero de 2017

Atracción: Trailer

Atracción (película rusa de ciencia ficción) - Tercer trailer (2017) - Subitulado.

Attraction (science fiction russian movie) - Third trailer (2017) - Subtitled.

Watch the trailer in YouTube

lunes, 23 de enero de 2017

Electronic Harassment

Electronic Harassment

When your thoughts are no longer yours
When your feelings are no longer yours
When your body is no longer yours
When you no longer have soul

Acoso electrónico

Cuando tus pensamientos ya no son tuyos
Cuando tus sentimientos ya no son tuyos
Cuando tu cuerpo ya no es tuyo
Cuando ya no tienes alma

Myron May believed government "stalkers" were harassing him

November 20, 2014

3 shot at Florida State University before gunman killed by police.

Hours before he opened fire at the Florida State University library, lawyer Myron May left a desperate voicemail for an acquaintance with this plea: "I do not want to die in vain."

The message was part of a flurry of emails, texts and phone calls in which the former prosecutor laid bare his torment: He believed government "stalkers" were harassing him and using a "direct energy weapon" to hurt him. He said that he had sent packages to 10 people that would "expose" what he thought was happening to him.

Police have said that May, 31, a Florida State graduate, was in a paranoia-fueled "state of crisis" when he showed up to the library with a .380 semiautomic pistol, shot three people and was then killed by cops when he would not drop the weapon.

His social media activity revealed that he believed he was a "targeted individual," the term used by people who think the government and shadowy gangs are attacking them with mind control and invisible, remote weapons.

...The ex-girlfriend’s call was not the first time May drew police attention. On Sept. 7, he showed up at the police station to report that someone had planted a camera in his house. “He stated that he can constantly hear voices coming through the walls specifically talking about the actions he was doing,” the officer wrote in his report.

Google "fsu shooting"

Book: Mind Matrix


As one researcher put it, Electromagnetic weapons operate at the speed of light, they can kill, torture and enslave, but the public is largely unaware that they exist, because these weapons operate by stealth and leave no physical evidence.

Do you feel as if Big Brother is watching you? Is that voice in your head getting louder and louder? Is your TV talking back to you? Are you seeing things, that are not supposed to be there, but are? And what about that satellite that passes by your window at least twice a day?

If you have serious concerns about such issues, you may be part of the New World Order s Mind Matrix Maintenance Program that is responsible for keeping tabs on thousands of individuals and which can remotely monitor and alter your brain waves to make you part of a global enslavement movement. A Former Intelligence Officer put it quite simply: They don t have to come inside your house. The eavesdropper can simply use a gbs tracking device to perform electronic harassment and view everything about your life while you are in your car, shopping, or eating at a restaurant. . . They have full view of the inside of your home or business office online and it doesn t matter if the lights are off or what room you are in. It is all in full view for your enemies and their allies, complete with your telephone conversations!

A massive book of large 8.5x11 pages MIND MATRIX: COVERT ELECTRONIC HARASSMENT MIND CONTROL PROGRAM is without a doubt the most complete work on the subject of electronic mind control techniques, mind games, case studies of individuals stricken by a super secret intelligence bent on destroying individual lives, as well as a detailed list of 100 U.S. Patents involving psychotronic devices that can impinge on your personal freedom.

TECHNOTRONICS HALLUCINATIONS, ILLUSIONS AND PROJECT MIND BEAM Though his account is spectacular, Steve Lee is not alone in his claims that someone is watching him day and night and provoking what seems to be paranormal phenomenon in and around his home in the Black Forest of Colorado. We started seeing lights, he told investigative journalist Sean Casteel, laser light-looking beams. Then shortly after that, we started hearing voices in the house that should be there. During this time period, I was taking photos of the kids around the house I take a lot of pictures and things started showing up in them.

Over a period of time, Lee s life began to shatter. Someone or something was trying to harass him to the point where he was concerned about his family s safety. I was getting at least 20 to 30 death threats a day from voices inside this house. They tell me all the time, We re fixing to kill you. or We re going to poison you or, We re going to kill your kids or, You re fixing to find out who we are. This isn t what you think it is.

Scott Coralles, editor of the Journal of Hispanic UFOlogy, details the use of holographic projections in the midst of cattle mutilation and UFO waves, as a political tool to make the unreal seem very real! Here is the secret agenda of mind control implemented by Big Brother, the CIA and other secret societies and groups that keep their distance but use this technology for their ultimate advantage of controlling the human race.

Electronic torture

Alguien decidió que mi vida no vale la pena ser vivida.

Someone decided that my life is not worth living.

Live free

Posted on Facebook by Ani Kaspar.

domingo, 22 de enero de 2017

Humor gráfico: San Petersburgo

Cuando encuentras el lugar perfecto para construir una ciudad. (El lugar donde se construyó San Petersburgo fue elegido por el zar Pedro I y era una zona pantanosa)

When you find the perfect place to build a city. (The place where St. Petersburg was built was chosen by Tsar Peter I and was a marshy area)

Humor gráfico: Eternal life

(Recordando a Obama)

Esto es lo que hace un Botox que da la vida eterna. (Botox es una substancia que se utiliza en la cirugía estética)

(Remembering Obama)

This is what makes a Botox that gives eternal life. (Botox is a substance that is used in cosmetic surgery)

Humor gráfico: Nickname

(Recordando a Obama)

- Y tu mejor apodo fue siempre el negro...

(Remembering Obama)

- And your best nickname was always the negro ...

Cuando nadie creía en ti...

Cuando nadie creía en ti, y ahora estás sentado y firmas el primer documento como presidente.

When nobody believed in you, and now you are sitting and signing the first document as president.

Humor gráfico: President!

- Donald Trump, díganos...
- Presidente..., Donald Trump!

- Donald Trump, tell us ...
- President..., Donald Trump!

Humor gráfico: The wife of the subway director

La esposa del director del metro.

The wife of the subway director.

Humor gráfico: Russian mushrooms

(Recordando a Obama)

(Putin): ¿Barack, probaste los hongos rusos?
(Obama): No, todavía no los probé.

(Remembering Obama)

(Putin): Barack, did you taste the Russian mushrooms?
(Obama): No, I have not tried them yet.