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sábado, 21 de enero de 2017

Dr Katherine Horton - 20 / jan / 2017

Dr Katherine Horton makes an open appeal to all victims and every person in the world to help shut down the international Nazi crimes against humanity that are being perpetrated by the secret services and the people they have corrupted. The crimes are so egregious and so prolific that every country that is affected is in a national state of emergency.

In the photos she shows the marks in her body after microwave weapons attacks.

Humor gráfico: Russian hackers

En Estados Unidos sospechan que Rusia financió a los hackers utilizando fondos de pensiones.

- Ya entré a través del proxy, ahora comienzo el ataque DDos contra el Pentágono.

In the United States they suspect that Russia financed hackers using pension funds.

- I already entered through the proxy, now I start the DDos attack against the Pentagon.

Donald Trump is the new president of USA

Viernes 20 de enero de 2017.

Donald Trump es el nuevo presidente de Estados Unidos.

Humor gráfico: Artificial Intelligence

En Rusia hicieron un experimento. Utilizaron un robot con inteligencia artificial para el control de las fronteras.

- ¡Tu eres sólo una máquina, una imitación de vida! ¿Puede una máquina escribir una sinfonía o pintar una obra maestra?

- ¡Ya se lo dije! ¡No puede ingresar sin el pasaporte!

In Russia they did an experiment. They used a robot with artificial intelligence to control the borders.

- You are only a machine, an imitation of life! Can a machine write a symphony or paint a masterpiece?

- I already told you! You can not enter without a passport!

Humor gráfico: Posted on

¿Quién cree que será el próximo presidente de EEUU?

Ignorar - Me gusta - Compartir

Who do you think will be the next US president?

Ignor - Like - Share 

If there is persecution, there is resurrection....

Victoria Justice Rathel wrote on Facebook:

Darling, those who are persecuted, usually are a threat to the ones who are persecuting.... That is because you have something amazing in you, strength perhaps, special qualities, talents.... But please always remember, if there is persecution, there is resurrection....

viernes, 20 de enero de 2017

I believe

Я верю в солнце, даже когда оно не светит. Я верю в любовь, даже когда не чувствую её. Я верю в Бога, даже когда он молчит.

Регина Бретт

I believe in the sun even when it is not shining. I believe in love even when I do not feel it. I believe in God, even when he is silent.

Regina Brett

Creo en el sol, incluso cuando no está brillando. Creo en el amor, incluso cuando no lo siento. Creo en Dios, incluso cuando está en silencio.

Regina Brett

A brave woman

Copiado del Facebook de Virginia Lansky. (Dedico esta imagen a mi madre)

jueves, 19 de enero de 2017

Abominable maldad

Jules Freedom (a user of Facebook) said.....Well, we (the targeted individuals) are a threat to their endgame agenda and that agenda is now depopulation, mass depopulation, because we are waking up to the abhorrently evil, criminality of the psychopath architects of the system, that we are all subjected to.

Copied from a post on Facebook

Jules Freedom (un usuario de Facebook) dijo... Bueno, nosotros (los targeted individuals) somos una amenaza a su verdadera agenda y esta agenda es la despoblación, la despoblación en masa de la humanidad, porque nosotros estamos despertando a abominable maldad, a la criminalidad de los arquitectos psicópatas del sistema, al que todos estamos sujetos.

Copiado de un post en Facebook.

Chelsea Manning will be freed on May 17

Martes 17 de enero de 2017.

El presidente Obama conmutó la sentencia del soldado Manning y éste será liberado el 17 de mayo de 2017.

The hug of the snake being

Un ser en forma de serpiente abraza a un hombre que tiene sus manos atadas y mira al cielo expresando su sufrimiento. La serpiente provoca el sufrimiento del hombre y parece gozar de él. Aparentemente, la serpiente abraza al hombre para alimentarse o absorber su sufrimiento.

A snake-like being hugs a man who has his hands tied and looks at the sky expressing his suffering. The serpent provokes the suffering of man and seems to enjoy it. Apparently, the snake hugs the man to feed or absorb his suffering.

Foto copiada del Facebook de Virginia Lansky. La interpretación es mía.

miércoles, 18 de enero de 2017

Hard Wired - Tracy Chapman - Letra

"Hard Wired"
"Completamente conectado"
Tracy Chapman

Tus deseos y necesidades
Serán debidamente observados
Etiquetados y codificados
Se convertirán en diálogo de comedias
Y eslóganes publicitarios

Tenemos una caja para poner en tu cerebro
Y el cableado para descargar
Todos los secretos y los misterios
Que has estado egoístamente guardando

Los sueños y esperanzas
Que alguna vez fueron tuyos
Ahora serán recogidos y dispersados
Y aquél que tenga el dinero necesario
Será el primero en adquirirlos

Tenemos una caja para poner en tu cerebro
Y el cableado para descargar
Todos los secretos y los misterios
Que has estado egoístamente guardando

Te haremos pensar que te gusta ser observado
Te exhibiremos en el bloque de subasta
Serás invadido en tu propia casa
Aparecerás desnudo en la televisión
Humillado delante de millones

Tenemos una caja para poner en tu cerebro
Y el cableado para descargar
Todos los secretos y los misterios
Que has estado egoístamente guardando

Tenemos una caja para poner en tu cerebro
Tenemos una caja para poner en tu cerebro
Tenemos una caja para poner en tu cerebro
Tenemos una caja para poner en tu cerebro

Tus deseos deseos
Necesidades y deseos
Serán debidamente observados

"Hard Wired"
Tracy Chapman

Your wants desires
Needs and wishes
Will be duly noted
Processed filed and cataloged
Labeled and encoded
Turned into sitcom dialog
And advertising slogans

We've got a box to put in your brain
Hard wired for downloading
All the secrets and the mysteries
You've been selfishly withholding

The dreams and hopes
That once were yours
Will now be collected and dispersed
So the first to come with cash to spend
Will be the first one served

We've got a box to put in your brain
Hard wired for downloading
All the secrets and the mysteries
You've been selfishly withholding

Make you think you like to be watched
Displayed on the auction block
Invaded in your own home
Stripped naked on the television
Humiliated in front of millions

We've got a box to put in your brain
Hard wired for downloading
All the secrets and the mysteries
You've been selfishly withholding

We've got a box to put in your brain
We've got a box to put in your brain
We've got a box to put in your brain
We've got a box to put in your brain

Your wants desires
Needs and wishes
Will be duly noted

Lyrics in english (here you can listen the song too)

Targeted Individuals

New Terrorism of the 21st Century - Remote Influencing Technologies


ICAACT's European Regional Director Lars Drudgaard was invited to participate as one of the speakers at the Open Mind
Conference 2012 in Skanderborg, Denmark, September 20-22.

Can a satellite read your thoughts?

New Terrorism of the 21st Century - Remote Influencing Technologies


ICAACT's European Regional Director Lars Drudgaard was invited to participate as one of the speakers at the Open Mind
Conference 2012 in Skanderborg, Denmark, September 20-22.

(The image was taken from the video that appears above)

martes, 17 de enero de 2017

A book about Organized Stalking

My Life Changed Forever: The Years I Have Lost as a Target of Organized Stalking.

My Life Changed Forever is the author’s story about being forced to live under constant surveillance since 1994. It is a true crime exposé into the world of organized stalking, a form of organized crime. Sadly, it is more common than realized, and many targets never find out who is behind it. It often includes stalking, constant following, psychological harassment and mind games. However, some targets are also attacked physically in what is often called technological harassment. This includes the use of things such as non-lethal weapons.

Así siempre a los tiranos

Sic semper tyrannis
Thus always to tyrants
Así siempre a los tiranos

Tal vez sea necesaria la energía femenina para derrotar a la tiranía que tiene a su disposición poder, dinero, armas sofisticadas y que sólo trae consigo la esclavitud y la muerte.

Perhaps the feminine energy is necessary to defeat the tyranny that has at its disposal power, money, sophisticated weapons and that only brings with it slavery and death.

lunes, 16 de enero de 2017

Humor gráfico: Next stop

Siguiente parada: paro cardíaco.

Next stop: heart attack.

Humor gráfico: Why?

- Envío clandestino de armas a militantes sirios.
- Snowden está escondido en Moscú.
- Putin, ¿por qué?

- Clandestine arms shipment to Syrian militants.
- Snowden is hiding in Moscow.
- Putin, why?

Humor gráfico: Lie detector

Hágale una pregunta al presidente.
(detector de mentiras)

Ask a question to the president.
(lie detector)

Humor gráfico: Confused

- Los rusos atacan a los rusos para proteger a los rusos de los rusos...
- Putin es algo confuso.

- The Russians attack the Russians to protect the Russians from the Russians ...
- Putin is something confusing.