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sábado, 22 de octubre de 2016
viernes, 21 de octubre de 2016
jueves, 20 de octubre de 2016
The knowledge of the Self
Shri Nisargadatta Maharaj:
The trouble is, everybody wants to have the knowledge of the Self without giving up the identification with the body, they are contradictory.
Give up this identification and everything becomes simple.
A child may be playing with the smallest coin, and if it is removed will
be greatly agitated. You accept your identification with the same
determination, the same anxiety, in spite of the knowledge which you are being given.
Even if you give the child a toy made of gold, he will reject
it because he has his heart set on that small coin. Even if I give you
this knowledge, which is priceless, it will not be acceptable.
An instrument of the cosmos to know itself
If we are made of atoms, a scientist who studies atoms is actually a group of atoms that studies himself. The man is none other than an instrument of the cosmos to know itself.
Si nosotros estamos hechos de átomos, un científico que estudia los átomos es en realidad un grupo de átomos que se estudia a sí mismo. El hombre no es otro que un instrumento del cosmos para conocerse a sí mismo.
miércoles, 19 de octubre de 2016
martes, 18 de octubre de 2016
Humor gráfico: That moment
That moment when you realize that it will be very difficult to explain why you came to work late.
Ese momento cuando comprendes que será muy difícil explicar por qué llegaste tarde al trabajo.