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sábado, 16 de abril de 2016
I think that the two things are connected.
Я думаю, что эти две вещи связаны.
Creo que las dos cosas están conectadas.
viernes, 15 de abril de 2016
Artificial intelligence wins at Go
Artificial intelligence: Google's AlphaGo beats Go master Lee Se-dol
12 March 2016
A computer program has beaten a master Go player 3-0 in a best-of-five competition, in what is seen as a landmark moment for artificial intelligence.
The story at:
jueves, 14 de abril de 2016
Smart Dust: Real-time Tracking Of Everything, Everywhere
Smart Dust: Real-time Tracking Of Everything, Everywhere
TN Note: DARPA is a driver of Technocracy in the 21st Century. Its creation of computerized microscopic sensors no larger than a spec of dust will surpass the Internet of Things (IoT) by orders of magnitude. Known as “Smart Dust”, an area can be blanketed to achieve 100% real-time monitoring of everything in every nook and cranny. Also, Smart Dust can be incorporated in fabric, building materials, paint or any other substance use in construction, decoration or wearables.
Putting sensors on stuff? Boring. What if the sensors were in the air, everywhere? They could monitor everything—temperature, humidity, chemical signatures, movement, brainwaves—everything.
The technology is called Smart Dust and it’s not quite as crazy (or as new) as you might think.
The year is 2035, and Sgt. Bill Traverse and his team of commandos are performing a “sweep and clean” operation through a portion of the war-torn Mexico City. Their job is to find any hidden pockets of resistance and flush them out and back through the neutral zone or eliminate them. The drones that provide surveillance overhead cannot offer much support in the twisting alleys and passageways of the sprawling metropolis and the helmet-based HUD systems that soldiers are equipped with are useless in a city where all technical infrastructure was destroyed years ago.
Sgt. Traverse isn’t navigating blind, though. He and his team use Dust, portable packets of sensors that float in the air throughout the entire city and track movement, biometric indicators, temperature change and chemical composition of everything in their city. The Dust sensors send information back to their HUD displays through a communications receiver carried by a member of the team. Traverse can tell, from the readings that Dust gives him, if there are people around the next corner and if they are holding weapons. His team can then proceed accordingly …
This scene of Sgt. Traverse and his merry men is a fiction. The concept of Dust is not.
The idea of the Internet of Things is so passé. The general concept of the Internet of Things is that we can put a sensor on anything and have it send data back to a database through the Internet. In this way we can monitor everything, everywhere and build smarter systems that are more interactive than ever before.
Putting sensors on stuff? Boring. What if the sensors were in the air, everywhere? They could monitor everything—temperature, humidity, chemical signatures, movement, brainwaves—everything.
The technology is called Smart Dust and it’s not quite as crazy (or as new) as you might think.
Copied from: Original post
Read more: More info
miércoles, 13 de abril de 2016
martes, 12 de abril de 2016
Los terroristas no usan internet
Espiar la red no sirve para casi nada: los terroristas no usan internet
Los recientes ataques terroristas en Bruselas, que han dejado más de tres decenas de muertos y centenares de heridos, han vuelto arrojar dudas sobre la eficacia de los servicios secretos a la hora de prevenir estos ataques. Las revelaciones del ex agente de la NSA Edward Snowden demostraron hace años que prácticamente ninguna comunicación por internet escapa a los oídos de los espías de los países desarrollados, y esa es precisamente la justificación que suelen dar las democracias occidentales para saltarse a la torera sus propias constituciones: es para evitar el terrorismo.
El problema es que, como los recientes ataques han demostrado, no sirve de nada pinchar cada cable submarino, interceptar cada paquete retransmitido por las antenas de las operadoras de telecomunicación, ni instalar puertas traseras en los sistemas operativos más utilizados, si los enemigos de la seguridad recurren a la sencilla técnica de no usar internet.
(Copiado de la página "Inteligencia Argentina" de Facebook)
lunes, 11 de abril de 2016
A poem: Angel in danger
Angel in danger
Oh angel in danger
you want to deceive me
you don't want to suffer
you don't want to die
It's so bright in the heaven
It's so dark here in the night
but I'm walking my own path
moving away from paradise
I love the goddesses
I fear the pain
there is not much difference
between you and I
If the archons controls you too
you won't be my savior
you won't be my guard
you will leave me alone
in this beautiful nightmare
The same illusion, the same shade
dare to have a life in this land
you'll see the sun in the morning
you'll see the lonely star
you'll feel the wind in you face
you'll feel the love in you heart
domingo, 10 de abril de 2016
El alien en la foto de Nikko de Antares
En la primera foto aparece una contactada argentina que dice recibir mensajes provenientes de Antares. En esa foto, arriba a la izquierda, ella dice que aparece un alienígena.
En la segunda foto está resaltado el supuesto alienígena. Este alien parece tener un "pico" y me recuerda al alien que Corrado Malanga llama Horus-Ra, que se muestra en la última imagen.