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sábado, 19 de diciembre de 2015

Renée Starr

Renée Starr is a mythologist, master storyteller, artist and life coach. A seeker of ancient wisdom for the modern woman, she offers her book, 'You Are Woman, You Are Divine'. as a guide for the modern woman's journey back to The Goddess, along with Goddess classes, workshops, circles and a variety of international retreats.

Black Dot Campaign

Black Dot Campaign

If You Notice Someone With A Black Dot On The Palm, Call The Police!

If you ever see a person that has a black dot on the palm, you should call the police immediately. The black dot means that the person is in trouble. -

“Black Dot Campaign” started on Facebook and it’s a campaign to recognize the victims of domestic abuse. That simple black dot on their hand signifies a call for help.

Black Dot Campaign

By putting a black dot on their palms, victims of domestic violence can show that they’re in danger. So if you ever notice a person with a black dot on his/her palm, help this person and call the police.

“The black dot on the hand lets professionals know you’re a really vulnerable domestic violence survivor, and that you need help but can’t ask because your abuser is watching your every move. In just 24 hours, the campaign has reached over 6,000 people worldwide, and has already helped 6 women. Please spread the campaign, and post a picture of your hand with the black dot, to show your support to all survivors of domestic violence,” stated the organizers behind this campaign.

Story From Survivor of Domestic Violence:

“I’m heavily pregnant and the baby’s father is very abusive. With words, his hands. I’ve been petrified for so long and even more with the baby coming soon. I was at the hospital yesterday, he was with me, he never leaves my side anymore. I had to have an examination so the consultant asked me to lie on the bed and drew the curtain. I leant over and took the pen out of his pocket, pulled his hand over to me and wrote HELP ME. I didn’t have to say a word. “This campaign gave me the strength and the idea how to ask for help. I am now safe somewhere else thanks to that consultant and the black dot campaign. Thank you, 1 week to go until my due date and I am finally safe.”

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Poema: There is nothing more beautiful

There is nothing
more beautiful
than the way
the ocean
refuses to stop
kissing the shoreline
no matter how many times
it is sent away.

~ Sarah Kay ~

No hay nada
más bello
que la forma
en que el océano
se niega a dejar de
besar la costa
no importa cuantas veces
es rechazado

~ Sarah Kay ~

¿Vladimir Putin es un viajero en el tiempo?

Varias imágenes y teorías circulan en la red. Se dice que el presidente de Rusia Vladímir Putin es inmortal o es un viajero del tiempo.

En las redes sociales circulan imágenes de 1920 y 1941 de las que algunas personas afirman que son fotos del presidente ruso, Vladimir Putin.

De hecho, los partidarios de la tesis de que Putin es todopoderoso e inmortal, han lanzado una historia que afirma que el presidente ruso es una criatura mítica que reside en nuestro planeta durante cientos, si no miles de años.

La Mona Lisa, pintada por el maestro del Renacimiento Leonardo da Vinci a principios de los años 1500, es una de las pinturas más famosas del mundo.

Detrás de esa expresión enigmática, sin embargo, hay secretos. Secretos que ni los historiadores del arte o los novelistas más vendidos podrían haber imaginado. La teoría es que Putin viajó atrás en el tiempo para posar para Da Vinci.

Se dice que Vladimir Putin también fue un general griego.

Putin aparecería en varios cuadros del pintor holandés Jan van Eyck e incluso en las obras de MC Escher.

¿Vladímir Puitin es un viajero del tiempo o son simples teorías de conspiración?