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jueves, 3 de diciembre de 2015

Tabla Smagdarina

De un post de Tabla Smagdarina:

5 days in with my new phone and it's already F#@ked..looks like ill be offline again very soon..this is my fourth phone in 6months and i can't afford to keep buying a phone every time the Retards of The NewWorldOrder hack into my system..I don't think ill be back if this phone is turned off as my last phone's too much aggravation..and its affecting my Spiritual Growth!

Tabla Smagdarina es una usuaria de Facebook. Estoy casi seguro que ella es víctima de hostigamiento psico-electrónico. Tabla Smagdarina publica fotos filtradas en las que según ella aparecen seres demoníacos y alienígenas reptilianos.